Welcome to the wonderful world of “Callie Cat,” an animated series created by CK James featuring a lovable family of calico cats. In this charming world, Callie, along with her two younger siblings, Leo and Penny, greets each day with infectious enthusiasm.
Whether she’s delaying bedtime with her own late-night talk show, running a make believe coffee shop with her classmates, or delicately crafting origami butterflies to bestow upon unsuspecting strangers, Callie is a beacon of kindness and positivity.
“Deep Sea Fuzzies” is an animated children’s television program created by the incredibly talented Victor Huckabee — the creator of the hit animated show “Archibald’s Next Big Thing!” on Netflix and Peacock. CK James wrote the pilot episode for the series that is currently being pitched for production.
The "Deep Sea Fuzzies” are a band of futuristic deepsea creature musicians that tour the deepest parts of the ocean. With the help of their A.I. friend ‘Tuny’ they learn about music, instruments, and history all while hilariously discovering new cultures, genres, and friendships along the way.