Welcome to the wonderful world of Callie Cat, an animated series created by CK James featuring a lovable family of calico cats. In this charming world, Callie, along with her two younger siblings, Leo and Penny, greets each day with infectious enthusiasm.
Whether she’s delaying bedtime with her own late-night talk show, running a make believe coffee shop with her classmates, or delicately crafting origami butterflies to bestow upon unsuspecting strangers, Callie is a beacon of kindness and positivity.
Callie Cat is currently being pursued by major book publishers and streaming services.
A Show for Everyone in the Room
Callie Cat is an animated children’s show full of heart that kids will love. Kids return and rewatch shows that make them laugh, which is something Callie Cat is guaranteed to do.
What makes Callie Cat truly shine is that it’s also written for the adults in the room. I started writing this show 7 years ago because I didn’t love the children’s television programming options available to my family. I set out to write a show that I, as a parent, could enjoy with my kids. Parents will feel seen and find things in each episode that’s just for them. In short, the show is a love letter to millennial parents. Parents and kids will both find an emotional bond with Callie Cat.
When creating Callie Cat, getting the characters right was key. In the character design process, I wanted the characters to be expressive and unique, but also simple enough that kids could draw them. It was also important to me to look downstream towards animation. Most cats have similar shapes! I wanted to be thoughtful for the animators who will be creating libraries of character rigs and movements and allow them the opportunity to apply these to numerous characters easily. The characters are not finalized, but the strategy for how they will ultimately look is in place.
When the writing, character design, and animation (among many other things) work together, you create an opportunity for something special to be made. I’m absolutely positive that Callie Cat is your family’s favorite show that they haven’t seen yet.
Beyond the Show
A goal for the Callie Cat brand is to come alongside emerging readers (and parents of emerging readers) throughout their literacy journey in a way few brands have before. From board books all the way through early reader chapter books, Callie Cat will be there every step of the way.
Typically books are an afterthought. At best, a children’s program will publish simple episode recaps to have a literary merchandising option.
I want to do something beyond the norm.
Drawing on my background in elementary education, I have mapped out an entire progression of stand alone children’s books and literacy aides starting with simple board books and progressing with the child up to second grade reading levels with early reader chapter books.
A major five publisher has currently made an offer for exclusive rights to publish Callie Cat books.
Callie Cat Pilot Animatic
In the Callie Cat pilot episode, Callie delays bedtime by hosting a talk show in her bedroom. This story was selected as the pilot episode because it introduces each character one at a time as they become guests on the show so you, a new viewer, can get to know the characters and begin to care about them. You’ll find a relatable experience that’s fun and familiar.
Watch the pilot animatic in its entirety on this page. Seriously, give it a try! Tap that play button and enjoy!